Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit Loans

Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit Loans

From National Lawsuit Funding

If You Were A Pedestrian Hit By A Car, And You Have A Lawsuit Pending, We Can Give You The Money You Need To Pay Your Bills Until Your Case Settles!

The CDC reported that in 2017, 5,977 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes in the United States, and an additional 137,000 pedestrians were treated in ER departments for injuries. That’s equivalent to nearly 16 deaths - and almost 400 injuries - per day. If you have been struck by a vehicle and injured as a pedestrian, you are not alone! Filing a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent driver’s insurance company can help you get the full amount your injuries are worth, but it can take time to recover damages. 

Many injured pedestrians turn to pedestrian accident lawsuit loans from National Lawsuit Funding to give them the money they need to pay for their injuries, right now. Pedestrian accident lawsuit loans give injured victims the cash they need to cover medical expenses, grocery bills, mortgage/rent payments, and other expenses while they are waiting for their attorney to recover maximum compensation. This type of loan is commonly referred to as a lawsuit loan, pre-settlement funding, or a lawsuit cash advance (which all mean the same thing). 

When you apply for a pedestrian accident lawsuit loan from National Lawsuit Funding, you incur no personal financial risk. If you and your attorney are able to win your case, our loan is repaid directly from your winnings; if you lose, you don’t owe us anything in either principal or interest.  We offer pedestrian accident advances ranging from $500 to $25,000 (depending on the circumstances of your case) in less than 24 hours if you qualify for financial assistance with us. All that we need to determine whether or not you qualify for our loan is specific details about your accident from you and then more specific details from your attorney. You don’t need to provide us with any medical documentation. Our fast, simple process only takes 5 minutes of your time, 5 minutes of your attorney’s time, and that’s it!

A Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit Loan Gives Your Lawyer Time To Work Towards A Fair Settlement

Because you are completely unprotected as a pedestrian, your injuries may be catastrophic and extremely expensive to treat. You may have to pay deductibles, copays, for multiple days in the hospital, for ambulatory or air transport, for imaging tests, for multiple surgeries, for physical therapy and rehabilitation, for burn care, for medications, and more. You may have to take weeks off work to recover, without pay, or you may even have to find a new career. Your out-of-pocket expenses could range anywhere from thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars! Filing a lawsuit can help you recover monetary compensation to pay for your injuries, but because insurance companies don’t like paying out money to pedestrian victims, getting that amount can take weeks, months, or sometimes - especially if your case goes to trial - even years. Most people can’t afford to wait that long, and insurance companies know this, which is why they will give you a few lowball offers at the beginning in the hopes that you will accept it and move on. 
Applying for a pedestrian accident lawsuit loan can give you some measure of financial stability so that you can afford to be patient and give your lawyer time to negotiate. Our loans give you the cash on hand you need to pay your bills immediately. You only have to pay us back if you win your case, and that repayment amount does not come from your own pocket. National Lawsuit Funding helps seriously injured pedestrians and their families stay afloat after an accident leaves them with debt and stress!

National Lawsuit Funding’s ASAP Process Is Quick And Easy!

If you have been severely injured in a pedestrian accident where you were struck by a car, and have filed a lawsuit, you are already dealing with many burdens. That’s why our company makes getting the cash you need as painless as possible! Our 3-step, ASAP process is 100% online and completely secure.

Step 1: Apply

You provide us with some key details about your pedestrian accident and your injuries, as well as your contact information, and your lawyer’s information. This info can be provided online or over the phone, whatever you prefer!

Step 2: Attorney Cooperation

Right after receiving your application, our team will contact your attorney to get more key details about your pedestrian accident case and injury value.

Step 3: Approve & Fund

As soon as we get a response from your attorney, we can approve you for a pedestrian accident lawsuit loan. We’ll forward you and your lawyer our agreement for you both to e-sign. When we get both signatures returned, we will send a check or make a direct deposit within 1 day!

Apply Today & Get A Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit Loan Now!