Jersey City, New Jersey Lawsuit Loans

Sustaining injuries from any type of accident can cause a great deal of financial strife. You shouldn’t be stuck covering the expenses when you didn’t cause the accident.

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Sustaining injuries from any type of accident can cause a great deal of financial strife. You shouldn’t be stuck covering the expenses when you didn’t cause the accident. Unfortunately, it can take weeks, months, or even years before you see the compensation you deserve from the accident. That’s where our lawsuit loan comes in. If you’ve been injured in or around Jersey City, and are also working with a personal injury attorney, you might be eligible for one of our Jersey City, New Jersey lawsuit loans. Let us supply you with financial relief! Apply online or over the phone today.

Why Apply For A Jersey City, New Jersey Lawsuit Loan?

If the accident you were involved in was the result of another driver’s negligence, it isn’t fair that you should suffer the consequences not just physically, but financially as well. The at-fault driver’s insurance company (or even your own) should pay medical expenses (for things like ambulance transport, surgeries, x-rays, medication, physical therapy, copays, deductibles, and more) and lost wages (for the time you were unable to return to work). Unfortunately, insurance companies are usually looking out for themselves alone. Therefore they’ll attempt to deny or devalue your injury claim to save themselves money. While working with a personal injury attorney can give you a leg up with big insurance companies, the justice system moves at its own pace and it can still be a long time before you recover a fair settlement. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you might not be able to afford that length of time without seeing any money, which is why our Jersey City, New Jersey lawsuit loans are so beneficial! It can supply you with risk-free financial stability as we only get paid when you do! Plus, we’re repaid directly from the settlement amount, not out of your own pocket! Taking advantage of our loan also gives your attorney more negotiation power, as you have the finances to take care of you NOW, while your attorney fights for the compensation to take care of you LATER. You don’t have to accept the first lowball offer the insurance company throws out, you can wait for the settlement you deserve.

Who We Fund

While we typically provide funding for car accident victims, we also work with other types of victims who’ve been injured by someone else’s negligence and is also working with a personal injury attorney, including but not limited to the following:

Our Easy, Fast Application Process

Step 1: Apply

Apply online or over the phone today within 5 minutes. All we require are a few accident and injury related details - no extensive medical documentation needed!

Step 2: Attorney Cooperation

Provide us with your attorney’s contact information and we’ll connect with them to gather some more information, including the amount that they plan to recover in your settlement.

Step 3: Approve & Fund

Once your application is received and approved according to our standards, we’ll send a settlement agreement for you and your attorney to sign digitally. When that makes it back to us, we’ll send your funds within one business day or less via direct deposit or snail mail. It’s as simple as that!

Call Today To Get The Quick Funding You Deserve!